Thursday, June 30, 2011

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Lost pursuing the treasure

"Lost pursuing the treasure."

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What significance

People nevertheless refuse to forget

Forget the memories of that period

Suddenly, he started out to suspect that

Their feelings, like a movie

Constantly repeated release

Catch the mood, the trap run away, messy feelings

This struggle continues, the way in which to heal

Love is typically in parting, allow every and every just one can see thatblogmiapio blogger blogblog

Committed the wrong, the way in which to suit down, the way in which to allow go

And then the way in which to restore, a crack passing vague "

Monday, June 27, 2011

Suddenly the snow

파리에서는 해거드, sleepwalk가 흘렀던 것이었다. 카드 게임 Tianhundian 시계 술을, 라운드, 그것은 새해가 몸을 너무 많이 당좌 대월, 당좌 대월 생활하는 것 같습니다. 생활을 제한? 일단 와인 시장, 카지노,에있어 궁극적으로 훌륭한 될 것 같습니다. 당신은 어떻게 사람들이 아직도 생명을 소비 할 수이 자신의 신체와 인생이야 그거 알아? 무기 력한 또는 지루인가요? 활성 또는 수동? 에 Xiaochou 행복이나 응원?갑자기 창문 얻을 촬영 태양의 밝은 섬광을 열고 다채로운 경험을 선사 년부터 일어나. 싱 종은 눈을 문질러 주택, 밝은 햇빛 친구, 자연의 영광과 마법 나무 Rongrong의 흰 커버를, 효과, 휘 근처 창 아, 멀리 언덕을 알아 보았다 광야에 걸쳐 야오 마을. 눈이 나무 주위에 비둘기의 무리, 이글루는 돌고 쫓고, 찾고, 그들은 그것에 또는 먹이를 찾아 눈을 즐길? 자신의 몸은 밝은 은색, 흰색 비둘기, 화이트 하우스, 하얀 나무, 흰 태양, 세계의 레이어의 정도에 또한 때 비둘기가 집을 슬랜팅 휩쓸 때 어떤 변화 세상의 하얀 만든 개체, 완전히 순수한 결정된다.2010 이전 년보다 더 흥미 진진한 봄의 첫 눈이 훨씬 갑자기 있습니다. 그럼 아마 매년 봄 눈이 너무 아름다운 그래서 영웅왔다, 생각했지만, 그들은 엔터테인먼트의 세계에 매료되었습니다, 주목 바로 그것을 발견하지 않았하지 못한것이 생각을 생각하는가? 현재, 내가 갑자기 떠오른 생각이 : 진짜로이 세상에서 삶의 고급 주인, 세계의 미화에 있지만,이 세상에서 세상을 demonize 남성 표범 적용에 손상도 있습니까? 따라서 인체에 반영 자연의 세력, 그것은 좋은 사람, 나쁜 사람, 충성, 배신자, 무결성, 사기, 충성, 반란 ... 차별화됩니다 ..."인간의 본성 좋은 섹스는 멀리 단계를 학습하는 것과 비슷합니다."경종을 울려서 귀가 세 문자 클래식을기도 때 사촌의 어린 시절 목소리를 대신하여 몽골로 돌아 갔어요. 그런 다음 큰 관심과 함께 다시 사촌 Yaotouhuangnao을 보이지만 것입니다 이해. 나는 사촌, 사촌 신비 해설 질문 : 그럼 처음에 사람이고, 사람들은 아를 시작? 그것은 좋은 인간의 본성의 시작 부분이 좋은 것입니다.그래서는 어린 시절의 상상을 시작하는 푸른 하늘을 감시하고있다, 앉아,가, 자신의 환상이 시작되었습니다.처음으로 학교에 갔다, 그들은 너무 외로운 선사 지구의 의심이며, 사람의 첫 조상은 푸 사이와 뉴 기 있었는지 알고, 동화를 읽고는 하천 진흙과 함께 많은 사람들이하게, 그들은 네 명 중 배열되어 그들이 살아남을 수 있도록, 자연을 변환하기 때문에 오늘날의 거대한 남자와. 하지만 인간은 공통 조상을 가지고 이해가 안 돼요, 형제 자매, 왜, 또 다른 함정을 죽여야입니까?나중에 생물학을 배울도, 그 사람이 태어나 아버지는 원래 정자 산모 혈액에서 잉태되었다. 단지 매우 작은 세포이다. 그렇게 작은 세포이며, 점차적으로 걸을 수되므로 성장과 발전, 사람들은 랑 랑의 주인이 될 하늘과 땅 사이에 생각됩니다.처음에 사람들이 동일, 있다고 말했다면서, 세포, 많은 중요한 차이가 없습니다. 이 세상에서, 당신과 나, 그 제품에 대한 가끔씩 기회입니다. 기회가 출생에 바인딩되면, 당신은 행운, 당신이이 세상의 아름다움, 열정 다채로운, 토지에있는 나무를 볼 수 즐길 수있는, 하천, 산, 푸른 하늘, 흰 구름, 백을 버즈의 흐름을 듣고 새들의 노래, 소와 양을의 호출, 말 비명 소리, 사자후가 ... 그럼 당신이 아름다운 마법의 세계로 와서, 무엇을 만족하지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까? 후회 할 건 아무것도 없어?단지이 세계에 온 어머니로부터 분리, 자연은, 나쁜 습관, 나쁜 습관 순수하고 좋은하지 않습니다. 왜 어떤 사람들은 나중에 나쁜 맛이 그것에 수 있습니까? 결국 환경 변화, 또는 자신의 자녀의 지시를 루트 사람입니까?지금은 너무 순수하고 맑고 밝은 세계의 얼굴, 내 마음이 진짜 깊은 상상을하고, 아래 새하얀에 얼마나 많은 숨깁니다 더럽고 부패, 불결하고 추한, 음모와 을까? 아마 하나님은 바로, 모든 생명을 테스트하는 ... 고귀하고 천박하고 성실과 위선, 사기 충성, 공정과 이기심을 설정하는 각각의 인생을 테스트인가?항상, 모든 소유자를 발생하고, 항상, 기꺼이 기꺼이 라운딩해야의 라운딩을 가지고이 세상에서 일어나고, 오직 가정있다, 아, 고대인와 나란히 두 단어 사이드입니다 생활 사고 아의 숫자를 포함하는 깊은 의도를 가지고! 물고기와 곰의 앞발로 땅을 차다, 욕심 전혀은, 만족해야하지만, 희망찬 생각하지 모두가 당신이 지불하지 못해, 불의의 문제가 세계를 비난하지 불의의 운명에 대해 불평하지 않습니다. 세계는 매우 깨끗하고 좋은 것일 수도 있지만, 세계의 다른로서, 세상이 당신의 태도와는 다른 생각 세상을 세계를 제공하는 것은, 마음을 당신의 개성, 당신의 성격 경우 짓을 당신이 세상을 demonize 경우, 세상을 아름답게 세상을 아름답게합니다, 세상이 당신을 헐뜯다 것입니다, 당신이 인생을 배신, 인생은, 당신이 인생을 사는, 당신을 배신합니다 목숨 같은 살고 있습니다.갑자기 눈의 얼굴, 당신은 어떤 통찰력을위한 것인가?

We are nothing

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

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Water forest, the real bird of paradise
The next day, early in the morning to reserve a good hotel after drinking tea, set out. Surprisingly sunny weather. Accompanying XingHua article wide bureau said, laughing, since this leadership YouCaiHua since open, have no a good weather, this is the guest presence, god zhangjiagang particularly for mercy. One car people laugh. We in the heart glad I am, the mood also like a beautiful spring day.
Car driving on the earth, and look out of the window XingHua crisscross of the river and pieces of water margin, let us these from the guests also have to admit that jiangnan water here is. The country air is fresh, no wonder called natural oxygen bar. Someone opened the window, saying, take breath free oxygen it. All the way in the past, the first LiZhongZhen water forest park, and then is thousand island base, then decided to broccoli forest to the water.louis vuitton outlet
Driving to the sand near the bridge road shun born by the roadside, area tidy intensive metasequoia glyptostroboides Lin will view, this is water forest. Haven't come near, far saw just grow leaves between the branches of the tree and perched on top of countless birds, general is white and gray, in the sunshine of flashing lights. Some circled overhead, some from the tree to fly to that tree, some clap wings to fly to the distance. I can't help but wonder, this is a paradise of birds.
Although the day was Friday, but the tourists still beyond the people expected. Walking in the forest trails, look around tall and straight on thick metasequoia, listen to the birds sing cheerful, at any time you must beware of these naughty to pull excrement to your creatures of the head. Colleagues exclaimed, ah, you look, the branches are all white. Looked down on the pavement is a piece of the crumbling white, as if done after a layer of residual decorate coatings. And XingHua article wide bureau of leadership in the conversation, I learned that in the body of this water forest covers an area of 1000 mu, it was supposed to be a desolated beaches, the 1980 s, the local cadres for the rational development and utilization of resources, which has desolated beaches here to develop into strips heaps case, plant to adapt to the growth of the water ChiSha, metasequoia glyptostroboides, etc tree species. The gander, when more than 100000 strains of the sapling now into a great tree, egrets, gray heron, the birds have also come here permanently, frost-free period, and formed a "water, the water there are forest fish, a bird" the unique required water landscape.
Go to the end of the road, is a small square, next to the lake as a mirror, are calm. Through the pavilion, music bridge along the shore willow clip lake more than two hundred steps, the first step to colleagues have been in there for we took a step, by another waterway to return to the entrance.
We sit on two points raft, skilled ShaoGong hold a long bamboo raft, then strokes to the water. After a piece of water margin, and then fold into the forest, and along the way you narrow waterway talking and laughing, mutual clap photos. And we share the raft and a group of armed police officers, and the bay of heart sings the speech, let the other occupants tourists kept applause. At this time, a raft of pass, let us get mouth was boss because they everyone is wearing a top DouLi, let DouLi don't wear the envy us. A clever colleague of my voice asked, is to prevent the birds excrement off in your head? Opposite, yes ah, then answer is bright and clear the laughter, as the water the ripples open to, the more to more far.louis vuitton handbags
A happy moment is always so short, when we revel in the life with water garden, raft has the shore. We be reluctant to leave the human and the nature harmonious living place. Goodbye, lee, the real water in the forest bird of heaven!

Meet XingHua

쿠릴 콜리플라워, 꽃의 바다에서 돌아다니지제가 관광 지역 Xinghua 쿠릴 콜리플라워에 들어갔을 때 "유채꽃 침을가 수천 킬로미터가 황금 수 있도록, 설명,"정말이 시를의 분위기를 주셔서 감사합니다. 푸른 하늘, 흰 구름, 꽃, 방문자, 농부는 ... 아름다운 신선한 정원 풍경으로 짠.창문을 통해, 자녀는 자녀 노란색 녹색, 분할 얼룩덜룩한 장소는 흙의 향기를 exudes, 비옥한, 밀 만아르 주변 찾고 혼합 교차 카놀라. 언제 쿠릴 강간 지역에 자동차 단 빛나는 황금에 걸쳐, 눈을는 어려운 적응할 찾을 수 있습니다. 황금의 오아시스에서 방문자가 계단식 논에서 천천히 이동 장소의 방황하는 자식 마일의 형성, 훨씬 더 작은 더의 향기에 산책 젊은이와 노인됩니다. 수로가 많은 "제도", 콜리플라워 깊은, 정말 아름다운으로 향하는 명랑한 관광객을 실은 작은 나무 보트로 나누어 수 유채꽃.andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog동반 Xinghua 미디어 국과 700년 전에 쿠릴의 콜리플라워 형성 자연 풍경 것을. 과거에는 여기에 갈대 중 하나이며, 우리 조상이 물에에서 발굴 토양에 홍수의 부족, 한 정확히 진흙 삼키기 둥지의 새로운 제목과 같은 하나의 더미에 쌓여. 천 한 스택은 경치, 군웅, 스택 프레임과 물로 인터리빙된. Duotian Fangfei, 물 Fangfei. 완전히 용해의 결과로 해산.우리는 봄 강간, 꽃 향기의 콧구멍에 흔들리는, 앞으로 이동 계속 그것은 잊을 수 있습니다. 그 길을 따라, 우리는 사진을 복용을 중단 그들의 얼굴을 동결하고, 즉각적인 풍경을 동결. 상단 보드 타워 풍경, 우리는 수많은 셀 스택 녹색 바다로 둘러싸여보고 숨막힐듯한, 화려한 황금 콜리플라워 가득​​한 눈, 진정한 바다의 꽃의 매력을 느낍니다.탑 아래, 우리는 바다, 숲과 물 같은 여정에서 돌아왔습니다. 우리가 지상을 경우 차이점은 뗏목 타고 앞에, Shaogong 기술은 매우 숙련된이며 순간의 부족의 일부 기술을 C​​huanniang, 보트를 타고 있습니다. 사이드 세 다른 보트 머리 앉아 칠명와 함께 보트를 타고이 보트를 흔들지만 여전히 강력하지만, 아무도 마음이 있지만, 백신이 드문 경험을 생각합니다.Chuanniang 드레스는 모든 사람들의 관심을 끌었다. 그들은 모두 노란색 콜리플라워, 눈길을 끄는의 배경, 그의 머리를 밝은 빨간색 스카프에 싸서 청색 보자기의 튜닉을 입고, 대부분 중년 여성, 40 대 및 50 대입니다. 그들 펀트 활발한 자세는 또한 풍경의 일부가되었습니다. 우리가 어두운 피부, 누가 강한 몸은 대화를 Chuanniang 구축. 또한 그녀는 쓰레기 네 개의 인수, 유채꽃 시즌 매년, 그녀는 펀트를 방문하는 등 온 지역 농부, 바쁜 시간 양식, 게으름이다, 또한 한 달 동안 많은 돈을 적립하실 수 있습니다. 이러한 단순하고 정직, 세대를위한 마을 토지 처리에 대해서는 1,000 제도 관광 축제 콜리플라워 감사는 재물에 새로운 도로를 추가했습니다. 나는 조용히 어촌 마을 Chuanniang 사진은 저를 끝까지 행복하게하는, 날 실망 사로 잡혔고, 자신의 카메라를 높였다.tahneeszw blogspot blog차에 있던 순간, 나는 다시 보는 마지막 시간 말을하지 않고, 전자 파도의 영향력 아래에 강간의 봄 바다가 내려다 보이는, 인생을 즐기는 그녀가 꽃을 쏟아야하고, 나중에 혼잡 방문객을 설명하는 것은 깊지만 부서. 타오 리 침묵, Seikei에서 다음 : 나는 갑자기 지의 단어를 기억.싸우즌드 아일 랜즈 관광 지역 콜리플라워 휴가는 환대 Xinghua 사람의 마음은 좋은 축복, 고대 문명과 토지 시내의 현대적인 조합이 작품으로이 땅의 모든 패배를 수용하지 않는 한. 당신은 차례로 우리에게 제공하는 경우 미래​​, 오래된 괴롭힐테야을 다시 방문할 때 완전히 다른 모양, 어서 더입니까?

Friday, June 24, 2011

I chatted up my sister's friend

A friend of your sister know that the reviews do, fine people. Ha ha ha. A few days ago, I heard a higher rating, it is to give all women are jealous of the word, my sister was there so my heart is a little sour, a little bit of ah. Say you are a friend to all the men willing to die for your woman. Really, this woman can live up to his sister, but also live up to the dead one back, but also live up to the dead one back.
Sister, destined previous life I really want to come you, every time I see your name, there is always a difficult to explain intimacy. I hope this does not offend the other sister said. Perhaps preconceived reason. I remember you said you had, every time you open QQ, you do not always look first. My sister is talking, you just opened, do not know what I'm not looking for it. Because you are only a few friends.
I chatted up my sister's friend, although you have said you are thin contacts with friends, talk to your husband's favorite, about her daughter's cleverness, however, know my sister, my sister is on, you are still a mystery the same woman, the enigmatic woman ah. Sister do not know how to have that kind of unspeakable charm, and in front of my sister, you are will be spoiled. The same as Nver Shen, sister can not not pet you.
Sister should be said that a perfect woman, flower of beauty, sweet and soft voice, ethereal taste, my sister was a smart and talented, so that each can not forget people who know. Sister's understanding, cheerful sister, sister's All in all, my sister Yeah, no wonder your friends say you are a woman in heaven, how can you share all the good it all, my sister jealous. So my sister said a few sour grapes, then it, my heart better by some. Sister, you know, too perfect sometimes regrettable. No taste of love, sadness, but also a little something sweet taste. Sister Yeah, you like a butterfly, flying over the colorful, just beautiful to watch, never stop tasting.


Sister, I felt like a lot to tell you, but I do not know where to start. I remember you said you, you are my first friend network, but also my first message after the opening of space, is also my first thoughts of the people talk. Always believed that fate, we wanted a nice ring. Sister still remember the first time we contact you? At that time the family bought the computer, not familiar to all, taught me to chat with friends do not understand space, I accidentally broke the. Inadvertently walked into your room, be touched by your article, you ventured to the message, friends please. And leave their QQ number. You will soon add me, you say you are not on the line during the day on weekdays, and it is Tianyuan coincidence, the day did not go to the factory.
Like all the initial chat, we asked each other what people. Really did not expect that it is the fellow. A kind of intimacy, however, by the liter. Asked to find the age, the cries of her sister called you a warm and familiar. At that time the home video bad, you still open your own good a beautiful sister! Because I type too hard, you recommend voice chat, and soon, your sweet soft voice, you can say I hit it off. Reproduced by an article, my sister asked me a privacy issue, initially, my sister is some rebuke. Strange words you cross shallow depth. After all, we are just acquaintances. But look at you Ruhuasiyu, listening to your sweet and soft clear voice, the heart also relieved. Originally a cheerful and lively little girl, you say you just an ordinary human curiosity. Sister with a woman can intuitively know the unique is not so simple, they still made
​​no secret of talking about his regret. Because the glory of your sweet and soft cover where there is a irresistible force.

talk a few insignificant words

 Sometimes, he extracts from what those inside the booklet, written on a single sheet of paper, written later, to hide ... ...
Between mother and child do not often speak, meet the time is very small. Morning, eat breakfast without a word he went to work every day at noon home to dinner, at the dinner table, talk a few insignificant words, after eating out, but also to the evening before I came back. Night, he was careful to wash your face, after dinner, on a long time alone reading. In the rest, he always went out a long time ago, until late at night and returned home.She knew he was going to the theater to the city, but the strange thing is no one in town to see him.
This day by day passed, she felt her son, then less and less, and at the same time, she felt his words, added many new words she did not understand, and those she got used to the brutal and vicious, then, His mouth never be found. In his behavior, it also increased the number of her attention to the little details: he quit the habit like a beautiful, clean the body and clothing, but more attention, his every move, more joy, more vigorous, he looks more simple, gentle - and all this gave rise to his mother's anxious concern. Attitude towards the mother, there are new changes: he cares to sweep the room floor, and every holiday hand to rectify their beds, in short, he is trying to reduce the mother's burden. In the area of
​​workers who will not do ... ...
Once, he took back a picture, hang it on the wall. Draw on three, while they are talking, while light and boldly before the road.
"This is the resurrection of Christ to go into mourning Mawu Division." Ba Weier said so.

the ordinary people are taking the old road

Once, his mother asked him:
"How? Have a good time at it?"
He used a gloomy tone of anxious to answer:
"Mende die! Better than to go fishing comes in it, or - buy the shotgun."
Very enthusiastic about his work, neither lazy nor foul.
He was taciturn, a pair of big blue eyes, and mother, always dissatisfied with what looked. He neither buy a gun, no fishing, but it is clear that he left the ordinary people are taking the old road: do not often go to a party, usually a rest day to somewhere else, however, did not come home drunk.
Very careful attention to his mother's actions, that his son's face light black gradually sharpened, eyes more and more severe, the lips are always closed, and he is in what are like sulking, it also seems to have any disease loss of his physical being. In the past, often partners come to him, but he does not get as always, we will not come.
Mother saw her son and other young workers in different, and I'm happy, but she can see, he is dedicated to the undercurrent from the DPRK side of life where the swim - which in her heart and caused a loss of concerns.
"Pavlodar Arusha! You not feeling well?" She sometimes asked him.
"No, I'm fine! He said.
"Thinner!" She sighed like that.
He began to take some books back, quietly hard, read books, and immediately hide.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rain outside the window is being concentrated

"To this day, and were living in fear, live in an uneasy, probably missed the big day and they have a concern: the wolf little more meat, how to get it?"louis vuitton purses 
"Having said that, there are those local officials Rulangsihu master it, they hate farmers, is no exception to hate even the Tsar."
"But the governor is not a no, because when people rush to the dog eat dog, blows."
Rain outside the window is being concentrated, through the window and saw the gray streets of the rain water vapor, my heart, such as depression-like weather, Lomas himself to continue his style of conversation: "We have to do is wake uppeople, driving their ignorance with knowledge, so that they recognize the seizure of power must obey the hands of the Tsar, to tell their elected Executive should produce from the public, which Executive, including: the county police chiefs, governors and the Czar ... ... ... ... "" This too long. starting a hundred years. "
"Do you plan to revolution in the Holy Spirit descending preganglionic success?" He said gravely.
He does not go at night where a backlog of about eleven or so I heard a gunshot, gunshot very close. I hurried out the door, see Lomas is coming to the shop. He Ran Ran Tan, do not worry not alarmed dodging puddles on the street walking.
"How do you come out? I hit a shot ..."
"Who is playing?"louis vuitton luggage 
"Some people put a stick to hit me, I warn them, they do not listen, I had the sky firing to scare them, I do not hurt ..." he was under the porch off the coat, twist twist wet beard , from gas to horses like asthma.

the possessor of land and wealth

steady stream of people and street workers talker and their lively nature.andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog
Tea at night when I put my doubts say it, and when asked what he intends to exchange ideas and farmers?
"What communication" "
"Ah? If I sense these things in the street they are, the Fed and then exiled to the sub-library ladder ..." He listened to my ideas seriously said to me after.
Lomas installed pipe, the smoke gets himself around, he began to analyze the situation and the mentality of the peasants: "night people timid, they fear no one, fear of myself, afraid of the neighborhood, afraid of outsiders."
"Abolition of serfdom in less than three years, all farmers over 40 is a born slave status, they remember the slavery, but freedom is unknown.
"Now you briefly said to him, freedom is the mind alive by myself, but they will say, local officials in the intervention always master of our lives, how can we live by myself wish it?"
"Tsar to extricate them from the landowners, their only natural host is the Tsar. Freedom is what it is.
Decree issued by Tsar will explain. People have faith in the Tsar, their play acting to believe that the Tsar is the possessor of land and wealth. "
"They even think that the Tsar since there can be freed from their landlord, they can wrest from the merchant shops and ships."
"They embraced Tsar's bones are, they deny all the governors, except certain Tsar they drop a fantasy that one day the Tsar purpose: and take the necessary. To what means what means, what you want to be anything."tahneeszw blogspot blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

do not like what people called "genius"

In their eyes, I like the hands of a good carpenter wood, they hope to use it chipped out of a different type of wood where the Central Committee of the family to.
"This is genius." In the face when they see each other, louis vuitton outlet 

so my total sell out, but also with the pride of an apparently proud of gas, like a child running around the streets even met a five kopecks coin, and then can not to others show off their own. I do not like what people called "genius", "Project Runway" and the like, and I was abandoned orphans is true. 

Sometimes I have to learn to guide students who make me feel depressed, Once, I saw the window in the bookstore a book entitled "cautionary maxim," the book, I read do not understand the meaning of the title, but I want to see this book , went to a seminary where students borrow.
"You look. Brother. You're not a bloody fool you. So what you see what you see, stretched claws of the Freeze." This looked like a black, curly hair, thick lips, white teeth, the future Archbishop Mr. sarcastically said to me.

The training taught him rude hurt me. Later, I was picking the book, this money, some earn my work at the pier, there on the end is borrowed from Jielikefu there. This is what I like to buy the first thing the children's book, I cherish, is still preserved.
In general, college students are very strict requirements for me: I once read "Introduction to Sociology," a book, I thought the author

 First nomadic exaggerated the impact on people's cultural life, the second is ignored and creative in order to stray and hunter feat. I told my idea of ​​a university student in linguistics, listening to my questions, he goes full of female beauty suddenly serious and solemn face up, told me from the "critical power" issue, whining for almost an hour.louis vuitton handbags 

worry for the country and the people

Say the real owner or Jielikefu home Kazan University, seminaries and other institutions, college students, they put here as a meeting point. andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog

These people always worry for the country and the people, whenever there is any news: News about the article, the books of some of the arguments, the city or university in the tragic incident so that they from the city of Kazan every corner of the flock, pushed Jielikefu family to the grocery store, impassioned frenzy debate,

 some debate on the loud together, and some hid in the corner whispering. Often they used a big thick book, and a finger prick the surface of each side to argue, saying their own opinion.
I do not quite understand what they argue, but I would think that the truth has been watered down their rough talk, as poor families, like the soup of oil, few stars, "I even think that there are several college students, 

and the Volga River coast against the separatist Orthodox Christians, those holding the old guy who hold the Bible as pedantic, of course, I know the original intention of the University who is good, they want to live better,

 the truth is that a good play down their empty comment , but not all drown, after all, they want to change the old situation, I understand, I had the same idea. listen to them speak, I often find the words to say but did not say.tahneeszw blogspot blog

Come into contact with these people, made me ecstatic, as if he incurs lifting the ban prisoners.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Usually like to keep some plants and flowers

Usually like to keep some plants and flowers, one can purify the air, and secondly to levels suitable temperament. Compared to their beautiful brilliant flowers usually seem to prefer the grass, Zhongyi on spider plants, and believe that it belongs to the monotony of ordinary life - easy to keep a good living. Random points under the dash of roots and leaves, blossoms planted basin insert in containers or water for free, just a few drops of water a day care, it will show the life of the green. Morning, the window dressing of the spider plant, which Mama spring green and warm sun of the entire office, had added a lot of quiet and vitality.
Chlorophytum, not the noble spirit of the peony, plum proud no quality, no sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance of publicity, there is no peach of a Prostitute Yao Yao, and no night-blooming cereus life is so precious, it has only a life of simplicity and plain . The total can not bear excessive pruning, and looking at random leaves stretch, allowing himself a sincere feeling of happiness and freedom, a comfortable and calm.
Watching the leaves trimmed with wide side elements Chlorophytum, embedded Bi leaves that touch the white like most of the naughty boy, deliberately put into a lock of hair dyeing pure white, pretending to pretend to mature vicissitudes. Hanging out with the vines on a blossoming elegant flowers, blooming with it the same quality, simple, light, self-sufficiency, long.

Passage of time

Passage of time, a turn in 1989 no contact, perhaps you had been there the old earth, I have thought and you will meet a variety of ways, perhaps not full of cherry trees in a romantic reunion with you, but I believe at least meet in a corner, but the edge of the word a release, there is no common sense, and perhaps one other edge of the word, is life, perhaps eight or ten years, there is too much unpleasantness of life, melancholy, there is little unable to let go things, and although some people have gone away but still do not have to dig to deepen in the bottom of my heart from memorable. function-lily blogspot blog
I have thought long lost all your guys, but with no mutual friends, the years you change your number, were displaced in the years you had the kind of lifestyle, what kind of friends encounter.
I do not have the years gone well with regards to bad, and I take life not too high, just to move forward. And in accordance with the principles of his life been, life board map, meaningless good or bad, is not about good or bad, is so life go on, but one thing I never wronged themselves.
Pleased to see that outside the family, I have poured heart Xiangxi known to have been knowing each other.
Well-being scale, was living a life of dissipation, it was just to comfort, are happy, and my life has always been to chart their own board, no way to tell me how to go, I just go its own way, neither do outrageous things, and do not care how people look, how to think.
Life now, I think the top grade of life, is to find the intersection of spiritual knowledge has been, a people who understand their own, or when the full pressure of friends to share.blakeszw88 yaplog blog

Dynasty a great woman!

Prairie Star to say that flashes on, then you are sinking, the most bright pearl, wood Buthe Dayu'er Bor Ji Ji Tebu, Great Qing Dynasty a great woman! For the people you are so eager not and! Your life miserable and tragic! Respectable admirable also Alas!How to write you in the end is the legendary life of you? Twelve years old, how weak the age ah, but the allies to full pay, you have to do Taiji palace side of the Princess, young age, we should really do so under the weight of worldly life and it? Eleven years ago, your aunt Zhezhe is the case, then your sister Highland beads as well. In founding the Qing, Gu Zhi paternity Kazuo prelude to a total of three opened this. Court life unbearable for you, marriage system allows you to discourage their love, is always half a step can not be more ritual to find their own emotions. louis vuitton outlet 
9 show the love you have, have had the same dream. Junji years has been to be there a dowager and regent, respectively. You can only isolate the blankly, watching the past, present and future, even though he lives in the palace, you live in Yongfu Palace, the boundaries between you may be able to draw so clear who in the end? Had just been a "Queen Mother marry" the words, which through the ages until today is still a mystery. 
You look high weight, between right and wrong, and never cared about personal grudges, and gains and losses, because in your heart only thrive Qing. So you let Fulin Deng pole bent in the Eight Banners civil strife and uncompromising, the pro side, you stand up, use your wisdom and courage to convince his nephew and beloved man, not only saved the Qing dynasty, also the court to resolve a bloody dispute.
Each time, you are in the Qing the most critical moment to come, supporting the crumbling, these are not for yourself, for the common people, this is a great love is selfless, is eternal.

Mountain meeting

Mountain meeting, Brahman kings golden pineapple flower offering to Buddha and asked Foshui Fa. Buddha silent can only show the public Nianhua times, calm, serene Italian state. At that time, the public can not understand the Lord Buddha, the Buddha meaning, the only disciple Kasyapa Venerable Miao Wu and its meaning. Yan broke for the laugh. So they get Dhamma. After a study into the magic of an idea become a Buddha is said. andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog
Yes, ah, an idea become a Buddha, a pronounced magic. In fact, many things are an idea, an idea between the wish to understand the 'Buddha', can not figure out the 'Rumo' pass with the barrier in an idea, between right and wrong on an idea; love and hate on an idea; joy and sorrow in an idea; into or on an idea; gain and loss in an idea, life and death is also an idea. This idea may change between our whole life, this study may change between the fate of the whole. Between this concept is very short, but the wait can be long. Some people may not want to understand life a reason, but may suddenly one day because of something or someone would suddenly want to understand this truth, understood why. It never understand that understand that it was in an idea only, but he spent a lifetime. Some people may be able to understand this very reason, because people around, and things to his ideas in mind, this way of thinking, he understands this truth is also an idea, but he spent a very short time. Life is such that we pursue in this life may be born with the others. But we do not have to complain because this is an idea of
​​things, as long as we want to understand this concept between, and figured out, comprehend, and there would be too much dissatisfaction and complaints. Venerable Kassapa I think it can get Dhamma, because he has a sense of balance, a quiet heart.This attitude made him understand 'an idea' of the truth, this state of mind to tell us 'well run' and 'no law' on an idea of ​​the truth. This is a state of mind it, this attitude is also an idea it. I do not know the mind and thoughts will be of much use, I know it can not save our planet, but I just hope it allows us to more understanding, more happy, more peaceful, less complaining, less trouble and less irritable.tahneeszw blogspot blog

Monday, June 20, 2011

Approached her

Some people, every day, face to face is still familiar strangers, some people, even if only one, it seems like familiar friends for many years, Anna and I belong to the second, which is perhaps the so-called past life destined it.

Anna is also a person who does not like busy, idle, her favorite is listening to music, watching the book, thinking mind. Even if it is, and you argue a view, flushed face, the sound still brings tears. Anna looked at, I think the elegant man child, she was like this it probably is. Hsin Tao, a woman can live up to her on this layer, the gas that is how proud, calm, calm!

Approached her, I discovered the vulnerability behind her smile.

Childhood sensible day, Anna has also been mind: her mother like my sister, do not like themselves. Sister in vain quietly, eyes Hushanhushan contrast, Anna has a deep inferiority complex, which will be much like the eyes, the skin is not white, stubborn, and a look to stay with the ugly duckling it! Slowly she accepted at home in the unfair treatment to have their relatives and friends to walk, she would stay in rooms, it become obvious, she is quietly standing behind her sister, despite what they say about, do not respond, do not want to hear more of the bitter mother over and over again: how these two little girl does not like the boss? andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog

More time, she fell in love with the book as partners, in reading, she forgot the loss of his forbear, in reading, she grew up. I do not know which day, she found that her mother liked to see her look of gentle pride, is my sister would envy: intellectual woman! tahneeszw blogspot blog

Not everyone is blessed with a good face, but as a woman, what a beautiful word, like a flower, peony sculpted brilliant can not, why not learn Osmanthus Fragrance distributed faint, refreshing?

There are ten million people world, there are millions of flowers species, a woman can offer themselves as flowers, some fragrant, some of the United States.

I think this is over next to it

I think this is over next to it, probably every time, is not only a thin split a little bit to me, in this storm and thunder, I imagine that they have been crushed, and a little casual, will be blown open, more small ah life.
All over the world are cold, my heart just more hot, and I eagerly embrace the hope, "ah go home quickly!" Has breathable clothes, and bicycles are also bad, and I desperately kicking, what do not care, and home! I only have it in one direction.
When I appeared in front of his wife when she was in shock and asked me "how do you come back, so under heavy rain, thunder and so big, you avoid the rain will not come back." I looked around her sleeping son, casually agreed with, like, "the best place to shelter from the rain, is home Yeah, see you, I can rest assured." andy20dtiblogblog dtiblog blog
Heavy rain, like the world should wash the clean, fresh happy that I can not enjoy, too volatile, and I like to just peace.
I think of the night drinking situation, I love very much love to drink, Aiming Ming in vain to speak, like today, the students have some vague talk, so I stumbled, Ruzhui fog. Life's too many variables, Xiangponaodai is futile, I can not think of the students, then, tomorrow, tomorrow I think again, there must be a way, today, is not thought.
But there is one thing, but it is so understood, family, regardless of when, all of my open, gently greet me, give me peace and light, I was eager to love her, the clear cold rain, I own a fiery heart.tahneeszw blogspot blog

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